Monday, November 29, 2010

The Color of Sound

Where is the best place to listen to music? In your car? In the movie theater? In your home theater? With your headphones on? From a Stereophonic vinyl record player? With studio monitors from a mixer? Portable audio devices?

Its amazing what these and other listening environments give you when you're alone with nothing but the sound, your thoughts and your feelings. In the car maybe you tend to sing along and gather snap moments of inspiration by belting it out loud. Maybe its that feeling that you're able to sing as good as the vocals because its so loud you can't hear what you really sound like. That's definitely me. In the movie theater I sit there with the enveloping feeling of motivation that anything artistic I can think of is possible. And you know why? Because the soundtrack or choice song being used is pulling me somewhere I figured out long ago in my imagination to be unreachable. Every time we listen to new music or old music or great music or terrible music, it tends to have some type of chemical reaction in our heart and in our mind. Is that something we can capture and refine into a tangible product of creativity? Or like so many other moments in time, is a but a fleeting snapshot of a life that could have been.

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